Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's the Damned Middle Class

A lot of people, including the new administration, have been tossing around a lot of reasons for the economic mess we're in. Some blame it on our dependence on foreign oil. Some blame it on the balance of trade. Some blame it on globalization and out sourcing.

But I'm here today to tell you damned well what the source of the problem is.

The American Middle Class.

You read it right, the middle class. Years ago, when we had People That Matter controlling all the capital, all the land, all the resources, the rest of the American people knew their place. Sun comes up, you go to work. Sun goes down, you go to sleep. Next day, you do it all over again.

There was no need for the workers to learn how to read, how to write. Things like that were just a distraction from what they're supposed to be doing.

Repeat after me:
Sun comes up, go to work. Sun goes down, go to sleep. Next day, do it all over again.

Don't complain about how much money you're making (or not making). Just do your job the way you're told.

Then, somehow, we're pretty sure the damned labor unions had something to do with it, everything went to hell. The American working class started wanting to take a day or two off EVERY WEEK.

We bent, and gave 'em Sundays, but it wasn't enough. Pretty soon, they had enough time to start thinking about things. Next thing you know, they had enough time to learn how to read. Wasn't too long before they decided that EVERYBODY ought to know how to read.

We began the long road to inevitable decay of our well organized society. All of a sudden, people wanted to be able to have some daylight at the end of their workday and conspired with the Communists to pass daylight savings time, get 40 hour weeks and all that other stuff that just destroyed productivity.

The worst part is when they found out that having all this leisure time gave them a) much too much time to think about what they didn't have and b) thought that maybe they deserved some entertainment time.

We should have been able to predict what would happen next, but obviously we didn't. Actors and writers started demanding as much money as the guys (People That Matter) who ran the studios. Baseball and football players decided that they should make enough money to be able to live after age or an injury killed their careers.

The worst part of all of this is that average Americans began to think of themselves as People That Matter. Hell even artists and musicians began to think that way. Can you imagine a freakin' songwriter thinking "I'm a Person That Matters"?

The final decay began with these people began to think that dishwashing, gardening, pig sty cleaning, and sweeping up poop behind the elephants in a parade were all jobs that they were too good for.

What the hell? Somebody's got to be a nanny. Somebody's got to serve me my meals. Somebody's got to pick up after me when I trash a hotel room.

When Americans wouldn't do this stuff anymore who do you think did? Immigrants, that's who!
'Nuf said.

We MUST get back to the days when People That Matter are the ONLY people that matter, and June Cleaver can't read anything more complex than a cookbook.

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