Tuesday, May 11, 2010

3 Questions: Senate Confirmations

People have been asking me a lot of questions about how we approach the senate confirmation of presidential appointees. You know, supreme court judges, cabinet guys, all that stuff.

I just want to let you all know that it's simple. From the Republican point of view, we have only three questions for any nominee.

1) Can you be bought? This one is important to most of us with an (R) behind our names. If you can't be bought, you can't be trusted to do the right thing.

2) How many guns do you own? Say what you will, but we all know that it's the gun lobby that keeps Americans truly free.

3) Do you know you'll go to hell if you don't see things our way? Everybody in the universe knows that the Good Lord is a Republican.

Now, get out there and find us some real nominees!
