Saturday, August 7, 2010

3 Things: Support for Revoking the 14th Amendment

Recently a fellow conservative, and a United States Senator, from a southern state, of course, put out some damned good arguments for the repeal of the 14th Amendment (New York Times Article), but I, and a few other real conservatives have a couple or three discussion points.

What Senator Graham wants to do is repeal the Amendment because it grants automatic citizenship to anyone born in the USA! On the surface, that's a good thing, but...

One: A lot of my conservative friends, along with me, have been really pushing the phrase "If you weren't born here, get the F*** out!" in our campaigns, personal appearances, and speeches to the ladies aid societies. If we completely eliminate the 14th amendment, we'll have to go to all the trouble of thinking up something new... or paying somebody else to think it up for us.

Two: The logistics of this are pretty silly. What? We're gonna make every family that's not inbred back to 1776 take a naturalization test? (Of course I, and most of my conservative friends would be safe, bein' part of the inbred and all.)

Three: Changing the Constitution is a complicated process and there's a lot of damned amendments that should be revoked... Free speech for  non-conservatives, freedom of religion, women's right to vote... if we're gonna kill the 14th, we ought to kill a lot of others, too. Maybe we should just repeal 'em all while we're at it. Except the 2nd, we gotta be able to keep our guns and backyard nukes...

Or pass a new amendment that says the only ones who can screw with the constitution are those of us that are inbred back to 1776. The REAL Americans.