Wednesday, April 28, 2010

3 Things: Clarifying Immigration Issues

Wasting all of this time in congress over immigration is pissing me off. Me and a bunch of other people.

1) We got here first! OK, maybe we didn't really get her first, but we blew the shit out of anyone who was already here so --- get over it!

2) We built this freakin' country. Who do you think brought in all the slaves to till the land, grow the crops, and pour our freakin' mint juleps? Who do you think created pennies a day, screw it --- pennies a week, jobs for the freakin' impoverished and starving Irish and Chinese to build the damned railroads? Don't forget the miners and the guys on the damned oil rigs.

3) We run the joint. Who the hell else bribed and cajoled all of the politicians to pass the damned laws that let us blacken the freakin' skies, lie about friggin' financial derivatives, and come down hard on all the freakin' unions?

In summary, it's as simple as this.

If your family fortune didn't come from genocide, slavery, working people to death in dangerous environments, and generally nefarious, dishonest, and criminal activities then just...

GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE AND GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM! Let the rest of us get on with makin' a buck or two.


Monday, April 26, 2010

3 Things: Finance Reform (Screw it)

1) To all you fellow Republicans who are thinking of voting FOR this shit...

What? Are you freakin' CRAZY?

You want to give up millions of dollars in campaign contributions (and that's just the part that's above the table)?

You want to give up your freakin' junkets to the Caymans and Switzerland to "study" the aspects of global finance?

You think people who work for a living have the same goddamn rights to excess as people who own shit?

2) Life isn't fair.

Is it our freakin' fault the fine print in most banking documents is designed to slowly suck the resources from anybody who does business with them?

Is it our freakin' fault that most educated financial people in the world can't understand the freakin' derivatives, hidden assets, and bonus compensation structures?

Hell no it's not. The freakin' bankers themselves can't even understand that shit, let alone regulators and stockholders, but they're making money. So leave them the fuck alone!

3) You've gotta get down on your knees and thank the Lord he made you a Republican.
What? You wanna care about shit? You wanna care about the little people?

Screw it! GO MAKE MONEY. And keep those campaign contributions comin'
