Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sniffin' the winds of change

Today's a big day around the country. After a year of liberal chaos we're about to take the temperature of the new America. Throughout the country URWs have been shoving the pretenders out of contention in local elections.

Hell, I know that we're supposed to be for LOCAL control, but this is different. Addy and the boys taught us in 1933 that LOCAL control only works when the local pols are ridin' the right set of tracks, and we know damned well that MODERATION is NOT the right set of tracks to be ridin'.

We're fighting an uphill battle, boys, and it's gonna continue. When those local RINO leaders step out of line, by God we've got to set them straight. We've got to keep more of our people from joining that upstart PNCP

Some people have questioned the decision to put me at the head of our party's URW faction. They wonder what some flyover country "bumpkin" is gonna do for them. I'll tell you.

The majority of real Americans, the true conservatives come from flyover country. Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and of course my home state, Colorado, are just a few of what the liberal media call the Red states.

They, I'm talking about all the media except for OUR network, thought they could piss us off by calling us Reds. Red state this, and Red state that. Well, I'll tell you, we just shoved it back in their faces.

  1. Red starts with 'R' and so does RIGHT.
  2. There is a reason people call us the RIGHT, it's because we ARE.
  3. 'R' is also the beginning letter of our party's name. OK, we were originally the Tories, but that was a hell of a long time ago. Back when we had a real king, and people respected us for what we had.
  4. The final reason being called Red states works for us is that 'R' is also the beginning letter of the word REAL. That's who we are, the party of REAL Americans.

Over the next few weeks we're going to use this blog to do some education. We're going to analyze the constitution and tell you what that stuff really means. We're going to tell you everything you need to know to get back on track.

For today. Let's just hope this wave of change succeeds.

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